J9 - Version 5.7.1
IBM Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition
This page documents how one user
installed J9 on his Stargate. He believes he purchased it legitimately and did
not violate the license. However, he is not a lawyer. As is the case with many
e-commerce sites it is easy to get tangled in a maze of links and end up in
unexpected places. The following is his best effort to explain what he did
You will need to register with the IBM site and become a
customer. Those steps will be left out of the following description.
Purchasing J9
- Start at:
- Follow the "Buy online" link to "Buy Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition".
- Choose "View Pricing"
- Indicate how many copies of "WEBSPHERE EVERYPLACE ME DEVICE(S) LICENSE & SW
- Go through the check out process.
This is followed by a set of screens to add you as a customer and enter
credit card information. After submitting the order, an order number is displayed.
However, an attempt to download the
software got a error message in our attempt. It is not clear what went wrong and a response
from IBM support is requested.
Trial Download
J9 is also available as a trial.
- Start at:
- Follow the "Trial download" link to "Try Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition
- At some point you will have to register with IBM if you haven't.
- Choose the "Trial: IBM Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition 5.7.1".
- Go through steps 1 and 2.
- In step 3 scroll down to "WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment
Profile 1.0 for Sharp"
- Download the software for the Linux host to get a 42MB file named:
- Also download the installation guide. Essentially, it will tell you to run
the binary file as root.
- I found the J9 ipk file in /opt/IBM/WEME/571/Zaurus/arm/PPro10/ipk. It is
This is the item that may have been purchased above. The rest of the
installed software may be associated with the $599 "Workspace Client
Technology". It is not needed.
Loading J9 on the Stargate
Installing the J9 weme*ipk directly on the Stargate is possible but it doesn't install
correctly. The Stargate is not a Zaurus. Some directories must be moved.
The following altenative works cleanly.
- Untar the ipk file on your desktop.
tar xzvpf weme*ipk
- Untar the data file
tar xzvpf data.tar.gz
- Copy the opt/QtPalmtop/j9 directory to Stargate into /home/QtPalmtop.
- make j9 and startj9ppro in /home/QtPalmtop/j9/ppro10/bin/
executable .
Executing J9
/home/QtPalmtop/j9/ppro10/bin/startj9ppro <class file>